Sex during winters

The cold, chilly and unruly winter winds nudge and tease you. It is during this season that you yearn to be loved and caressed and to indulge in winter sex. The excitement to find warmth in each other’s embrace and to enjoy a hot lovemaking session is the charm this cold season brings with it. Many do argue that having sex during winters is a task. The idea of undressing, getting intimate and the climax does sound like an arduous task. But many don’t know that it is the best form of exercise and a sure shot way to add some spice to lackluster sex life.

Turn up the heat with these 8 winter sex positions

If you are up for some challenge and adventure during winter than we do have some naughty tricks that are worth trying. We have picked the best sex positions to make your bedroom romance hot and sizzling.

1. Up for some warm oral sex

As the night descends, fix a nice warm cup of black tea with mint leaves. Carry it to the bedroom to confuse your partner. He may think you plan to savour tea in the blanket while reading a book. Surprise him by first sipping tea and swoosh a bit of it around the mouth. Catch your partner unaware by giving him/her a nice warm oral sex session. Call it warm pleasures to please during cold wintry nights.

2. Spooning your way to the G-spot

Now the spooning position is the best way to enjoy a heady sex adventure. Your partner can cuddle you from behind and feel your butt. You can then lift your leg a little, allowing him to come in from behind. There are chances that your partner will hit you bang on the G-spot, taking sensual pleasure to another level.

3. Ask him to go down

This is one of the best ways to enjoy sex and stay warm. Undress, get inside the quilt and kiss each other passionately. Lead your partner down under the blanket. Let him move his tongue, feel your vagina as you lay in bed, enjoying the gentle moves down there. It will make you feel warm and wanted all through the session.

4. Let massage do the trick

How about adding a little drama to lovemaking? As night approaches, switch on the heater inside the room and give each other a gentle massage with oil (perfumed). As you feel each other while massaging, bask in the beauty of being naked and naughty. Tease each other, fondle and hug as you massage. Follow it up with a warm shower and quickie session before you head to sleep.

5. A wine and cheese date

The beauty of wine is that it gives a beautiful hangover. This drink is just perfect for winter dates when one wants to unleash that sexual prowess and pleasures. With your man by your side tonight all you want to do is to go wild, feel like a tigress on the prowl. Let your eyes do the talking with your lips devouring the warmth of his skin and enjoy the sheer nakedness of two souls out there to make love under the moon. Nibble cheese, sip some wine and go wild as the night grows young with each move.

6. Jump on him and hold him tight

This is the best position to kiss, hug and make love. Here your man will hold you with your legs wrapped around his waist. With your arms around his neck, the two of you can spend a nice cosy time in each other’s embrace.

7. Missionary position and more

The true blue missionary position is here to stay. A position when the two of you are locked inside each other as he enters you. Add a little twist by both of you thrusting together. This will heat things up and make you sweaty. After a roaring episode of sex, the two of you can simply lie in this position for some time.

8. Lotus position for heightened warmth

If you want to indulge in some crazy, emotional and adventurous intimacy then the lotus position is a must try. Let your man sit cross-legged and you hop on to his lap with your arms and legs wrapped around him. This position gives you a chance to be up close and really naughty. Kiss passionately, let him fondle and enter you slowly. As you reach a climax, you will experience the ultimate adrenaline rush. Winter sex is actually more welcome than summer sex because it gives your body all that heat to stay warm. You can stay cuddled and tight because it does not get sweaty. It may also help you not get sick, since winter weakens our immune systems and sex can play an important part in boosting the immunity. And with scarves in fashion, you need not worry about those love bites too! Have fun while having sex!

Turn up the heat this winter season with these 8 winter sex positions - 93Turn up the heat this winter season with these 8 winter sex positions - 99Turn up the heat this winter season with these 8 winter sex positions - 18Turn up the heat this winter season with these 8 winter sex positions - 90Turn up the heat this winter season with these 8 winter sex positions - 8Turn up the heat this winter season with these 8 winter sex positions - 71