My name is Rinki. Here is my story. My life was all good. It was not only because of my marriage to a wonderful husband, Dheer or a lovely son Pranjal, but people always said that I’m a lucky girl. Good parents, nice in-laws, successful husband, comfortable living, nothing ever felt missing in my life. But then things changed. When I first met Rian and found myself drawn towards him, I kept asking myself, why am I getting so greedy? Who wants to disturb a comfortable and cosy life for the sake of a fresh new crush? Rian was married to Deepshikha and they had a lovely daughter. Their marriage seemed as perfect as ours and therefore I could manage my emotions and didn’t want to express them. If I had done that I felt we would have ended up being part of those extramarital affairs stories that come with consequences.  As told to Dr Sanjeev Trivedi(Names changed to protect identities)

The Beginning Of An Indian Wife Affair Story

I was naive. I had no clue how an affair began. Even if I wanted to stay away from one it found me. Love finds a way or so I thought then. My heart missed a beat when on my phone I saw a message from Rian, expressing his love for me. Before I could make up my mind to say no, I found myself strongly attached to Rian emotionally. After our relationship took off on texting and I didn’t even know then that what I was into was called emotional infidelity. We started meeting frequently and cherished every moment together. Every time I felt guilty about Dheer, who is an absolute gentleman as a husband, I would want to withdraw from the relationship. My son Pranjal’s innocent face also used to multiply my guilt. The good times continued and my dependence on Rian for the emotional and physical fulfilment kept growing. I had no clue then about the complications that would take over my life soon.

Our extramarital affair story came to a halt

After Dheer, Pranjal and I returned from a short vacation, I found Rian wouldn’t take my call, nor reply to my messages. Sensing something wrong, I started getting restless and soon I received a brief call from Rian, saying the affair had to stop. A few days later he called again, and cried saying, “Unless he got my cooperation, he might have to commit suicide.” And my cooperation meant forgetting that there was a relationship between us. He was hugely burdened with guilt and was seemingly worried about the future of his daughter and the image of the family.

I was totally shattered

I felt totally shattered. My mind became numb. I lost interest in the world around me. Dheer and my mother-in-law would cajole me and ask what was wrong but I didn’t have the physical strength to speak. Mentally I was turning into a wreck. I had heard of extramarital affairs stories having an ugly demise, I didn’t think mine would end like this too. Was I wrong in loving Rian madly? But Rian would say nothing. All he did was to keep repeating his words that for the sake of family and for the sake of everybody’s happiness this relationship had to end. So all the reasons he gave me for having the affair had no meaning now?

He always brushed off my guilt

When I used to tell him about the guilt I suffered, he’d brushed it off. Now he had swung 180 degrees and spoke the language I used to speak. I didn’t want to take this lying down.I felt like my love story had become like one of those hapless Indian wife affair stories where she was at the receiving end. I threatened that I wouldn’t leave him, come what may. He disconnected the phone abruptly and blocked me. I discovered how something which is not morally correct, could also produce liking and longing to the extent of devastating you. The more I thought of him, the more my desire for him grew. I felt cheated, used and helpless. Suddenly one day he called up to tell me that his wife had gone to her parents’ place, never to come back and taken their daughter with her.

Rian discovered his wife’s affair

Ours became one of the most complicated extramarital affairs stories. Rian discovered that his wife Deepshikha was having an affair with someone. When he challenged her, she threatened to end their marriage. He was shattered and crying like a child admitted that it was karma, paying him back in the same coin. He wanted to repent his misdeeds which he believed had resulted in bad karma which eventually spoiled their marriage. I was unable to accept any of these theories or stories. All I wanted was to have him back in my life. I don’t believe time heals. Now whichever way I look at our relationship, I’m unable to accept the fact that it is over. I’m silently suffering, waiting for him to come back. Now I am the heroine of one of those Indian wife affair stories I used to read. It’s been a few months now but I still live in hope. He hasn’t wanted to meet me yet.

Indian Wife Affair Stories  He Made Me Feel Cheated  Used And Helpless - 40Indian Wife Affair Stories  He Made Me Feel Cheated  Used And Helpless - 12Indian Wife Affair Stories  He Made Me Feel Cheated  Used And Helpless - 84Indian Wife Affair Stories  He Made Me Feel Cheated  Used And Helpless - 76Indian Wife Affair Stories  He Made Me Feel Cheated  Used And Helpless - 32