But rest assured, a warm hug can say it all. A tight hug helps to make any of us feel utmost special, and enwrap us all in a big bubble of love and emotions. In fact, hugs are even scientifically considered to reduce stress, release happy hormones in the body and comfort us from within. Moreover, during rough patches in life, hugs can help to rekindle the romance and love between couples. So, if you are a F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan like any of us, you can surely gauge why Joey was so obsessed with Hugsy, his bedtime penguin pal. We too know the super power of warm, affectionate, hugs and that is why we are here to spill all the secrets about one of the best kind of hugs, the romantic one. How can we understand whether it’s a romantic hug, you ask? Well, read on and you too will know exactly how!

Pointers To Know When You Are Hugged Romantically

1. Frontal Hug

In these kinds of hugs, your torsos, chests and stomachs will be touching, and you know it’s a wonderfully warm position which is totally romantic.

You will know it as generally, the taller hugger tends to put hands around the waist of the other person while the other person has their arms around the neck of the taller person.

A romantic hug has one person leaning their head on or against the other person, and can also involve the head, or face of one person nuzzling into the neck or chest of the other.Needless to say, a romantic hug lasts for a much longer time than a platonic hug. People clutch each other tightly for a few seconds and then take a deep breath and exhale. Then you should just relax into the hug and enjoy it.If your hugger is rubbing their hand on your back or arms, or gently stroking your hair, you will know this gentle caress is what a romantic hug is all about.If even after the hug, the other person is letting go slowly, and keeps their hands on you so that you are still touching after the hug, and looking straight in your eyes, there’s no doubt, you just had a romantic embrace.

2. Front-To-Back Hug

These hugs are more of the spontaneous, surprising-your-lover kind of hugs, and it is a sweet and simple gesture.

You will know such a hug is romantic when you are hugged from behind, the torso of your hugger is up against your back, and their arms are all wrapped around you.The hugger stacks up one arm on top of the other, one arm in front, or can even reach up over the chest and hold your shoulders while hugging. It depends on the size of arms as to where shall the arms be best placed.Similar to the front-facing hug, even in such kinds of romantic hugs, your hugger will lean their head on or against you, as a typical signal of intimacy.When the person hugs you romantically from behind, he/she will caress your arms and clutch you tightly from behind for a few seconds before deeply exhaling and burying their face onto your neck or head.And finally, the closing of such hugs can be with you turning around and hugging each other front facing for a minute or two, enjoying the closeness of your partner to the fullest.

Some Quick Glance

So, now you are quite capable of applying for a PhD in the art of hugging and know the ins and outs behind the basic differences that lie between a hug with your grandma, a hug with your bestie and a hug with your lover. The moral of this article is that hugs are a pretty normal way of displaying affection, and knowing for sure whether it is romantic or not can really come in handy. It is quite helpful when you are unsure of a relationship or the opposite person’s feelings.

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