Now, you get an urge to make him like you back. Perhaps you need a little bit of help with planning that out? That’s what I thought. Well, you don’t need an exact plan to get a man to like you. In fact, I believe you should have a second and think if the whole idea to ‘make’ him do something is a natural and long-lasting thing. You’ll attract him once you’re not desperate for his attention, his ‘approval’ of your awesome looks and personality. Let’s take a minute to let that in before I get into the list of you to get him to like you (well, more like how to embrace your awesomeness, so much that he sees it too).

What makes women intriguing to men?

When it comes to attraction between a man and a woman, there are things that play an important role in this. For men to have interest in a woman it takes them to be intrigued by:

  1. Appearance a.k.a outer beauty. That’s initially what attracts men to women and women to men. Each has their specific preferences when it comes to appearance. Those preferences are often set as the person develops during their life; they(preferences) can be affected by environment, social environment, childhood, unconscious perceptions, etc.
  2. Personality a.k.a inner beauty. The appearance now has to be explored further and has to be seen what’s behind it, what’s in the depth of that attractive surface. Different men are attracted to different personalities, that too varies on a lot of factors. If you’re thinking that being ‘this’ or ‘that’ woman will attract every man out there, you’re wrong. What’s ‘meh’ to one man, can be ‘ideal’ to another. Here’s something cheesy to follow: “I may not be everyone’s cup of tea. But I’m somebody’s double shot of whiskey.”
  3. Confidence. Now that’s something that attracts us all to one another. It’s something universal, it’s something that our ancestors passed to us, it’s part of our bio-programing. Both men and women are attracted to confidence.
  4. Sense of humor. Men are attracted to a sense of humor. Now, keep in mind that what could be funny to a guy, could be a lame joke to another. Hence, there’s no universal type of humor. It’s about if your tastes match with one another.
  5. Feminine energy. In heterosexual relationships men(with their dominant energy being masculine) seek feminine energy to balance out. In this case, feminine traits that reflect feminine energy are attractive to men. Back to the 15 subtle ways you need to know to make him like you (i.e. to make him see your awesomeness):

1. Show who you are through your appearance.

Wear and smell the brand called Y-O-U; Yourself. It is one of the best ways to make a guy like you. Remember that the initial way to catch and give attention is through appearance. That’s pretty much how most things in nature work. You see/hear something that arouses curiosity, then you become curious about it, then once we find out what’s the deal we either like or not, or end up confused. For him to like or not like you, first, he has to see and notice you. He has to be curious. He becomes curious through the way you carry yourself through your appearance. Initial stage tip, attracting him without talking to him, check!

2. Self-appreciation: Own it, have love for yourself and surroundings.

Your way of carrying yourself with confidence makes a man like you, it makes him be attracted to you. You see yourself as you are, you see the vulnerability, the goodness, the rights and wrongs in you. You accept it and have respect for everything you are. That’s confidence, that’s self-appreciation. Whatever, however you are, own it! Then you’ll have love for yourself and surroundings. That makes you giving and confident. That’s attractive. It makes him see you, because duh, you’ll be shining and he’ll be almost blind.

3. Speak your mind, with confidence.

Once it’s time to dig deeper into that beautiful surface, it surely is time to see the beautiful depth of it: your personality. The way for him to notice your personality is mostly through communication; you sharing your thoughts, opinions, ideas. I.e. speaking your beautiful mind. Biologically and psychologically there’s something attractive about people who speak their minds confidently, without a single drop of insecurity in themselves; that attractive ‘something’ is originality. You get a man to like you when you’re original while you’re speaking, while you’re present.

4. Talk to him every now and then.

For him to like you, it takes him to see you, to hear you, to know you. Right? It’s about him acknowledging what you already know and own: your beauty, your awesomeness. If you feel like you’d make him uncomfortable or annoyed, check his body language, and his reciprocation. Starting a conversation is a pretty easy human interaction. You’ve got this! It’s all it takes to talk to him, just start a conversation. See the vibe and energy, if he doesn’t seem into it, then you can walk off whenever. It’s you opening the way for him to see your inner beauty.

5. Be playful, flirt with him.

This entire article I’ve been telling you how to be yourself, how to embrace what you are exactly. This’ll be the case too. If playful and flirting is in your nature, then go for it. Most men love a little playfulness, it reflects feminine energy. Flirting involves eye contact, smiling, touching; it involves a little playfulness showing that you’re available and interested but in a very indirect way. It’s how you get a guy to want you.

6. You’re amazing, it’s understandable: that doesn’t give you the right to be mean.

Being mean is something I’ve been noticing a lot to be normalized and considered as ‘cool’. It’s the case where your confidence turns into arrogance, or your insecurities are just below the surface and you find a way to cover them by being mean. That is not attractive, and that will not get him to see the real you, hence it’s not a thing that’ll get him to like you.

7. Be mindful, present, and attentive.

Assuming that you’ll have a conversation with him eventually… When you’re there, be there, really. Listen to him, be present in the moment while you’re talking, pay attention to what he’s saying and to the way he’s carrying himself. Not in a sense of judgement, no. Just a sense that you’re there and that you’re actually understanding what he’s saying, you’re listening, you’re there. That’s an attractive trait to have, as it is becoming rare to find these days. It’ll get him to like you if he gets to see that in you.

8. Don’t play games; they won’t get him to like you (at least not long-term).

I know, it’s this undeniable urge to just ‘do something’ about it, and use whatever comes in hand to make him like you. If you really think about it, this shouldn’t be the point. Wanting to do tricks to make him like you, which then requires more tricks to make it last longer, will make you look desperate at some point. It’ll also block him from seeing the real you, hence it’ll give you games and not the ‘realest’ thing.

9. Give him compliments if you genuinely mean them.

You have your reasons to like him, right? Let him know of one of them. Don’t be too direct, as it can be something that scares him off. Pay a gentle, simple compliment. It could even be part of your flirting. Something that you don’t force, something that comes naturally to say to him, say it, don’t hold it in. This is also part of speaking your mind, which is attractive. You know what that means!

10. Talk about things you love, and listen to him while he does the same.

Talking about things you’re fascinated by, things that make you happy and bring joy to your life will be yet another way to show him of your inner beauty. Did you ever notice how people have this sort of glow when they talk about something they’re really passionate about? Well, you have it too. Glow the glow. Another important thing is to listen to him while he’s also talking about things he loves. You’re showing care and attention to his interests. He’ll take it as a good sign. You’re hearing and seeing each other, it’ll get him to like you if you both are a good match.

11. Accept his help when he offers it.

You’re an independent woman, with an independent mindset, that’s yet another understandable thing. However, men like being handy, helpful, and providing. It’s men’s nature and ‘program’ to be so. I’m neither saying you should ask for his help on everything so much that you come off as needy or naggy. It’s plain and simple, accept his help when he offers it. It’ll make space for him to feel he has a place, to feel that he’s providing/helpful/handy, it’ll make space for him to like you back.

12. Be polite to him and others around you

Being polite is attractive. It gives you some type of shininess, and it reflects a good, positive energy about you. Saying thank you, sorry, excuse me, make you polite indeed, however your behavior besides those words matters too. Be polite to him and others around you. It’s one of the best ways to make him like you.

13. Your posture! Don’t forget your posture!

As much as we’re into the whole idea of personality, self, and confidence, your posture as a part of your appearance plays an important role in it. Biologically speaking, you’re more likely to attract attention with a straight posture that reflects confidence, rather than one that reflects tiredness and boredom. It just is that way. It’ll have his attention, and it’ll be one of the reasons he likes you.

14. You can be friends with his friends

When there’s good times with his friends, and you get to impress his friends too, they might say good words to him. Plus social interactions are beneficial in general. You make new friends, perhaps even get to be friends with him through them. However, this can be avoided if you don’t feel like doing it.

15. Get him to like you through text – How to get a boy like you over text?

If you don’t see him often enough for him to be curious, or for him to see the beautiful depth of your beautiful appearance, you can do this through texting too. Here: – Don’t be scared to text him first. It’ll show confidence. And confidence is an awesome thing to have. Remember? – Ask him interesting questions. This way you show him that you’re curious about him. Curiosity is another attractive trait to have. You’re showing it through text, and it’s likely to get him like you back. – Send him funny texts. Making him laugh is one of the ways to his heart; honestly, it is one of the ways to everybody’s heart. – Flirt with him through text. You can be a little mysterious, give a few hints that you like him, tease him a little, use emojis if that’s your thing. It’ll make your text conversation more interesting. – See the energy, if he’s not reciprocating, drop it. If he’s not reciprocating and if he doesn’t seem to be feeling it that much, then drop it. It might not be the best thing to make him like you, but for sure it is one of the ways to not annoy him. Texting for some can be an easier way of communication, but it can also be misleading at times, especially if you don’t know each other very well. Since through texting you don’t hear tone of voice and don’t see facial expressions it can make it a bit more difficult to actually know what the other is saying and how they’re meaning it. Get him to like you, even if it is through texting, it is possible.

Your questions on ‘How to get a guy to like you?’

  1. How long does it take for a guy to like you? It entirely depends on the situation, him, and you, your compatibility, and your availability.
  2. How to approach a guy to make him like me? With confidence, openness, a nice smile, friendliness, and politeness. It’s easily done while you’re being yourself, really.
  3. How to tell him I like him? You can choose direct and indirect ways to do this. It’s important that you don’t put pressure on him. Here are a few ways:
  4. How do I know it’s a good idea to go up to him and talk to him? If you make eye contact often, if he smiles at you every now and then, if you say hi now and then. These are signs of interest from his side too. So you’ll know it’s not the worst idea to go up to him and say hi, perhaps start a conversation.
  5. How do you know that a man likes you? Here’s how you know a man likes you: The list goes on, hence these are just a few of those signs he likes you/he likes you back. Callisto

How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 71How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 12How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 31How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 96How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 55How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 82How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 45How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 29How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 45How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 63How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 22How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 47How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 52How to get a guy to like you  The best 15 ways to make a guy like you - 41