For, in the end, it is lovely to have a host of moments to look back to and know that you had a meaningful relationship that shaped your life. Moments of impulsive decisions, following your heart or acting on your true feelings are what make life memorable. Read below the account of a couple to know why making new memories is important. s

How To Make New Memories

It was that time in the afternoon when your office desk seems to be the most hateful thing in the world! You are half sleepy, yawning helplessly waiting for it to be 5 o’clock so you can head home. I was trying hard to concentrate on my work, that’s when I got a call from ‘Him’. I picked up the phone, pretending to be overly busy with work. Him: “Hi, I was thinking we get married in November, what say?”Me: “What!?” (I was flabbergasted! I mean, who proposes like that? It made me happy and annoyed at the same time). With the sweetest possible smile, I excused myself from the office and stood in the corner of the balcony. It was unbelievable! It came as a complete surprise to me. Me: “Are you mad or what, is this the way you propose? How unromantic, no sugary sweet things, nothing..? Aren’t you going to use some uncommon romantic gestures to completely sweep me off my feet? ” Him: “Hold your horses, love. Look, when you propose to someone, they have two options, to either say yes or refuse. But I don’t want to give you the option of saying ‘No’. Simple as that!” I felt a gush of excitement in my very being and actually didn’t know what to say. I was standing there, smiling and just waiting for the feeling to settle in my stomach. I wanted to laugh so hard but I felt so overwhelmed too. It was really happening! Soon came November and we were married to each other. That day will be the most important moment of our lives that we will never forget. Life is all about making memories that make you smile even years later, I know that now.

Creating memories together

My husband would regularly call me from his office twice or thrice every day. We would discuss silly things, pre-plan for the weekend, or we would talk about any random topic. Sometimes, he would call me just to hear my voice! Our relationship is almost a decade old, but we still behave as if we are falling in love with each other. We never fail to tease each other and do crazy things which could put even a toddler at shame! My husband is in the army and we were posted to a place which was next to the highway. My husband had gone out for some work. One day I got a call from him around 11:00 am. It was winter and I was strolling out in the yard. The vehicles passing by on the highway were visible through a narrow opening of the bushes from our terrace. My husband told me that he was driving back to his office and so he thought to ‘utilize’ this time to speak to me. He would always call me in whatever little time he found. So, while we were talking I realized that he was yet to drive past our house. Crazy as I am, I told him to halt his car when he reached the point from where our house was visible amidst bushes. I just wanted to see him. He laughed at it first and said he would be late for work. But I was in no mood to give up. I told him that he will have to stop by in any case, or I am going to cook mashed potatoes for lunch – something that he utterly despises. He finally agreed to make a halt. He was around 100 m away from the spot. I asked him to slow down and find me waving from our backyard. He didn’t like the idea, as there were other soldiers moving around in the same area and it would be awkward. I assured him that I would take care of it and wave only when there was no one around. He was still not convinced, but the poor guy had no option other than to follow my instructions. We were still on the call and he was nearing the spot. I could see his car; I was extremely overjoyed to see him waving from inside the car! We waved at each other crazily and started laughing at our silliness. We were acting like teenagers! “You are really crazy,” he said. “Yes, I am and will remain so for the rest of my life. I don’t want to miss even a single chance in life to see you and love you,” I replied. You are never too old to be creating memories together. Devoting time to making new memories is definitely one of the tips for a happy married life.

Why Creating New Memories Is Important

He was going to be home for lunch two hours later, but this little joy was sufficient to keep me content for the rest of the day. I always believe that you must never ever miss any chance to ‘live in the moment’ with your loved ones and don’t miss opportunities of creating memories together. Life will be over in the blink of an eye, but what will last with you forever are the memories that you make while you are alive and together. Today, he is deployed in a remote location where I can’t be with him. We are bound to live away from each other for more than two years. But both of us are surviving this separation by making new memories of the lovely little moments, which we always steal furtively from time.

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