To put it in one line, a soulmate friend is not somebody who would tame your wild side but he is someone who would run with it. This is how I realized I had found mine, and when you read this, I am sure you are going to find uncanny resemblances to the one in your own life too.
How I Realized My Best Friend Is My Soulmate?
Can best friends be soulmates? If you’re connected on a telepathic level, share an endless list of inside jokes, and have a specific person in your mind as you read this, then yes your best friend is your soulmate. And the best part of having a best friend-soulmate is that there’s always unfiltered honesty, you never have to pretend to be someone else around them because they know you better than you know yourself. If you think you’ve got a soulmate in your best friend, then you’re going to find these 10 points extremely relatable!
He feels so familiar, like someone I have known all my life
Even though I’ve known him only a few years, it doesn’t really feel like that. Our wavelengths match so well, that the time when I didn’t know him seems like a lifetime ago. As adults we don’t get to talk every day, but when we do, the distance just seems to vanish and all I feel is his comforting presence.
We don’t need to talk everyday
Years ago, at a mutual friend’s birthday party, I met this guy, who seemed like the only person in the room I could strike a conversation with. He was trying to hit on me initially (which, obviously, he told me much later), so we snuck out of the boring party together. We had nowhere to go, as it was quite late at night, so we took a walk through the lanes and by-lanes of our city, talking about everything under the sky. And in one of those moments, beside a complete stranger, I realized this was the person I had always been looking for, my soulmate, my love, my best friend. Now we talk perhaps once a week, or sometimes not even that. That’s because we never felt the need for it to become a habit. All that matters is the sense of relief knowing that he is just a text away from me. We weren’t technically dating or anything and that just didn’t feel necessary. Him being my best-friend soulmate was enough.
He has been my confidante in good times and bad
Contrary to what people say, you actually always find someone or the other in your bad times, because that’s how human nature works. The human mind always finds someone when in need. But lucky are the ones who find the same person beside them in both good and bad times. I must say I’ve been lucky because my best friend is my soulmate.
Our relationship is not superficial
Because he doesn’t even give a damn about all the superficial things and neither do I. He won’t plan surprises on my birthday, because he uses his heart and mind to remember the more important things about me, like when I was scared of climbing steep stairs because I have a fear of heights; even before I started climbing, I could feel my hands held in his firm grip, and I gained strength from him and climbed up. So do I mind if he doesn’t remember my birthday? NO.
I never mind the fact that he is friends with other girls
I have actually seen him grow into a different person — from being a total nerd to a stud. I am not even close to being a jealous and overprotective girlfriend when I see him hanging out with girls other than me. I just feel like a proud teacher on seeing my favorite student perform so well. Also, none of his ‘girls’ stick by him for long, because he starts talking about physics eventually and that doesn’t go down well with most girls. At the end of the day, I know I am going to be the only permanent woman in his life, apart from his future wife, of course! My man is my best friend and for that very reason anyone important to him is important to me.
Everybody around me thinks I am dating him
Isn’t that obvious? If everybody had a similar way of thinking, my guy would not have been so special to me. Deep inside I know I will love him much more than any of the random dates I go out on. I’m happy to date other men or go on casual dates with other people but at the end of the day, I feel most at peace with my guy. This is not romantic love but it is a comfort that I have never felt anywhere else. That being said, lot of people don’t understand our dynamic, and sometimes, neither do I.
He always knows when something’s wrong
We may be in different cities, even different continents, but I won’t be surprised to receive a call in the middle of the night (in his time zone), because he just knows when I’m going through something, and knows how to be romantic on the phone. Call it instinct, or maybe even telepathy in a sense, but I can always find comfort in his arms (or in this case, telephone calls!)
There’s no such thing as TMI
You can discuss the grossest, most unattractive thing in the whole world, but you still won’t be embarrassed around him. He’s seen you at your prettiest and even your lowest, and at this point, there’s really no need to hide things and be ashamed.
He is not just my world, he is home
Because calling someone your world is so mainstream. My best friend soulmate is actually that small comfortable space I come home to after traveling across the whole world! It’s he who taught me that home is not a place, rather a person. Finding your soulmate in your best friend will truly make you the luckiest woman in the world. He will just simplify your life and you will cherish every moment spent with him! We have always been told that a soulmate can only be your life-partner or your boyfriend or your husband. But in my case, that will never be true. I hope I get to date and marry a wonderful man one day and I will share by own special bond with him. But I have to say that there’s no better feeling than watching your best friend become your soulmate, so grab his hand and make every little moment count on this wild adventure!